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Self-Nominations for Parish Pastoral Council Due May 27

Have you ever wanted to be more engaged in providing guidance to our clergy and staff on the future direction of Holy Trinity Church? Are you someone who wants to put energy, creativity, and passion for our beloved parish to work? Then the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) might be the right place for you.

The PPC is now accepting self-nominations for election into the 12-member group. This is not a “Board of Advisors,” but rather a group of dedicated individuals with strong leadership skills willing to “co-labor” with our Pastor, Fr. Kevin Gillespie, SJ in making strategic decisions about the direction of the parish. Some of the qualities of an effective PPC member including the following:

  • Active parishioner involved in the life of the parish for at least two years;

  • Participated in some parish ministry (committee) for at least one year;

  • Capable of thinking broadly and strategically and without uncontrolled bias, and has a mind and heart open to the “magis,” that is, what is for the greater good; and

  • Willing to serve as a PPC member for at least three years.

If you are an engaged parishioner over the age of 16 with skills or interests associated with administration, communications, community life, faith formation, social justice, or worship, consider joining other engaged parishioners on the PPC.

Interested candidates should complete this Google form and submit a short bio/statement of interest and headshot by May 27.

Candidates considering running for election for the PPC are invited to attend the next PPC meeting via Zoom, Wednesday May 18, 7:00 – 8:30pm to learn more about the Council and its current membership. If interested, please email to request the log-in details for the meeting.

Voting will open on May 29 and close on June 12. The new council members will be announced during the week of June 13. If you have any questions, please email


We Welcome Your Submissions

Cura Virtualis accepts original content from Holy Trinity parishioners for dissemination in web, social media and/or other digital formats. The editors are solely responsible for the manner, platform and timing of publication/production.

Submissions will be edited as part of the publication process, including for clarity, style, and length. A submission does not guarantee publication.

© 2020 Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, D.C. | (202) 337-2840 |

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